DHLEDestinations of Leavers from Higher Education

Graduate Outcomes is a survey that is conducted on behalf of the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) fifteen months after graduation.

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Graduate Outcome Survey

The survey collects information fifteen months after graduation date about the students’ destinations after completing their courses. It aims to obtain information on the employment circumstances of graduates, as well as details on any further study. We publish the data available for our institution on our website in the “courses” section: , where applicants or current students may use this information when making decisions about the courses that they want to take.

How is the data collected?

Leavers in the graduate outcome population will be contacted fifteen months after graduating. They will be asked to complete an online survey. The leavers may also be called by the third party who collects the data.

The survey is entirely confidential, and no personal information about the leavers is published.

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Why Should you take Part?

The information you provide helps us adapt our courses to the current employment market demands, and it provides support and advice to our students to help them choose the most suitable and beneficial career path.

How long will it take?

Completing the survey takes up to 10 minutes.